Frequently Asked Questions

Explore frequently asked questions from our community about Penni Cart. We’ll continuously update this page with new information, so feel free to ask your own questions!

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Absolutely! To clarify, you do not need Webflow eCommerce instead a CMS plan is all you need to create collections for your variants and products.There is no limitations as to how many variants you can add as long as it falls within the CMS plan limit.

Yes, because Penni Cart allows you to connect your own stripe account. There is no restrictions, once you set up ideal in stripe it will work natively within Penni Cart.

When it comes to doing bulk imports or even continuous synchronization. Our favorite tool is WhaleSync, it makes it tremendously easy to sync anything from air table into webflow. An alternative option here is to upload a CSV file of your products and CSV file of your variants and connect them inside a Webflow.